Monday, March 17, 2008

Weekly Vocabulary --- Taiwan's Food Culture I.

This is a whole new section for my blog.

I personally feel very interested about the fantastic food and drink culture in Taiwan; however, sometimes it is hard for me to introduce it to my foreign friends because of the lacking of the relative lexicon. This is not only my problem, my friends talked to me about this, too. Therefore, I started collecting the vocabularies about the food and drink, especially food. The various and cheap food is the main character of the Taiwanese night markets. Consequently, those vocabularies are quite helpful when I want to present the unique food and drink culture of Taiwan to my foreign friends.

This is Weekly Vocabulary --Taiwan's Night Market section I. Let's start from the "rice."

Weekly Vocabulary --Taiwan's Food Culture. Section I

[No.][ Chinese Version][ English version]

1 白飯 Cooked rice
2 肉燥飯/滷肉飯 Rice with braised pork
3 三寶飯 Rice with three meats (chicken、duck、pork)
4 叉燒飯 Rice with Chashao (roasted pork)
5 火雞肉飯 Rice with turkey
6 油雞飯 Rice with steamed chicken
7 招牌飯 House specialty Rice
8 咖哩雞飯 Rice with Curry chicken
9 紅燒牛腩飯 Rice with simmered sirloin
10 紅燒豬腳飯 Rice with simmered pig’s feet
11 排骨飯 Rice with pork sparerib
12 魚排飯 Rice with Fillet of fish
13 焢肉飯 Rice with Braised pork
14 燒鴨飯 Rice with Guangdong-style roast duck
15 雞肉飯 Rice with chicken
16 雞排飯 Rice with Chicken fillet
17 雞腿飯 Rice with chicken leg

18 牛肉炒飯 Rice fried with beef
19 什錦炒飯 Rice fried with assorted ingredients
20 蛋炒飯 Rice fried with egg
21 火腿蛋炒飯 Rice fried with ham and egg
22 肉絲蛋炒飯 Rice fried with shredded pork and egg
23 羊肉炒飯 Rice fried with mutton
24 蝦仁蛋炒飯 Rice fried with shrimps and egg
25 羅漢炒飯 Vegetarian fried riceVegetarian fried rice
26 三鮮燴飯 Three seafood over riceSeafoods
27 牛腩燴飯 Stewed sirloin over rice
28 什錦燴飯 Assorted ingredients over rice
29 羊肉燴飯 Mutton over rice
30 蝦仁燴飯 Shrimps over riceShrimps over rice
31 羅漢燴飯 Vegetariant ingredient over rice

32 稀飯 Congee
33 地瓜稀飯 Sweet potato congee
34 及第粥 Imperial congee(Congee with pork tripe and intestine)
35 皮蛋瘦肉粥 Pork with Thousand-year egg and shredded porkand
36 虱目魚粥 Milkfish congee
37 香菇粥/鹹粥 Shiitake mushroom congee / Salty congee
38 海產粥 Seafood congee
39 廣東粥 Cantonese congee / Congee with assorted ingredients
40 鮑魚粥 Abalone congee

41 油飯 Glutinous oil rice
42 粽子/肉粽 Zongzi / Sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves
43 北部粽 Northern-Taiwan-style Zongzi
44 南部粽 Southern-Taiwan-style Zongzi
45 湖州粽 Huzhou-style zongzi
46 湖南粽 Hunan-style zongzi
47 素粽 Vegetarian zongzi

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